# # usage.txt # # Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Everett Lipman # # This document is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License is available at # # http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html # # Alternatively, you can write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc. # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA # # # 9 May 1999 # This file describes the usage of the programs sfwjpg, pwpjpg, pwpext, and the Independent JPEG Group's jpegtran. Limitations: The programs sfwjpg and pwpjpg convert from Seattle FilmWorks's private file formats to JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format). As far as I am aware, Seattle FilmWorks does not make public the specifications of these formats. The format specifications were deduced by examining a number of .sfw and .pwp files, and may not be entirely accurate. In particular, some .sfw files which were downloaded from the SFW web site were not properly converted to JFIF. All .pwp files which were downloaded from SFW and tried have been converted without any problems. Converted images will need to be flipped vertically. This can be done with jpegtran. The jpegtran program is part of the Independent JPEG Group's free software, which can be obtained from ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg pwpext is a UNIX (Bourne) shell script, and will not work unless pwpjpg and jpegtran are in the execution search path ($PATH) when it is invoked. sfwjpg sfwjpg will take a single .sfw file and convert it into a .jpg (JFIF) file. The image in the newly created .jpg file will then need to be flipped vertically. sfwjpg takes one or two arguments, the name of the .sfw file to be converted, and an optional output file: sfwjpg mypic.sfw This will create the file mypic.jpg in the current directory. mypic.sfw will not be altered or removed. Under Microsoft Windows, sfwjpg.exe must be invoked from the run window command line. sfwjpg mypic.sfw foo.jpg This will convert mypic.sfw and leave the result in foo.jpg. sfwjpg mypic.sfw - This will convert mypic.sfw and write the result to the standard output. pwpjpg pwpjpg will take a .pwp file and extract the images in the file. A .pwp file typically contains the scanned images from an entire roll of film. The names of the images are contained within the .pwp file. pwpjpg takes a single argument, the name of the .pwp file from which to extract the images: pwpjpg mypics.pwp This will extract all of the images contained in mypics.pwp and write them in the current directory as .jpg (JFIF) files. The file names will correspond to the names of the images stored in the .pwp file. mypics.pwp will not be altered or removed. Under Microsoft Windows, pwpjpg.exe must be invoked from the run window command line. pwpext pwpext is a UNIX (Bourne) shell script which extracts and flips the images from a .pwp file. It takes a single argument, the name of the .pwp file: pwpext mypics.pwp This will extract, flip, and store as .jpg files all of the images contained in mypics.pwp. mypics.pwp will not be altered or removed. jpegtran jpegtran will do a lossless vertical inversion of the image in a .jpg file. This is a complicated process which is described in details.txt. jpegtran can use use standard input and output: jpegtran -flip vertical < mypic.jpg > myflippedpic.jpg This will create the file myflippedpic.jpg, which will contain the same image as mypic.jpg, except that the vertical ordering of the scan lines will be reversed in myflippedpic.jpg. This flipping can be done by most image processing programs, though usually not without some gain in file size and/or loss in image quality.